Core Factors
Acceptance Rate
How quickly and consistently you accept relevant job requests.
Completion Rate
The ratio of completed vs. canceled/no-show tasks.
Custom offer Count
Sending Custom offers to off-app clients and fulfilling services via UrbanMount helps boost your performance score.
Average Rating
An aggregate of 1–5 star ratings left by clients.
Fulfillment Efficiency
Timeliness and whether tasks finish within the expected timeframe.
Weighted System
UrbanMount applies different weights. For example:
Client Ratings might have the highest weight.
Acceptance and Completion follow closely.
Fulfillment Efficiency is factored in but may carry less weight than star ratings.
Refresh Interval
Performance metrics update on a 90 day rolling basis. That means improvements or mistakes might take a short while to impact your overall score.
Where to View Your Score
Open the Performance Dashboard in your UrbanMount for Pros app.
You’ll see a short summary: “Your current performance is at X.”
Tap See Details for a breakdown of each metric.